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Dramarts is the first App dedicated to the Theatrical world.

A single tool that meets all your needs and facilitates the logistical work, internal communication and coordination necessary for the creation of a theatrical work. It is the ideal digital assistant to support artistic creation


One of the biggest problems in the world of the dramatic arts has to do with the rehearsal, the editing and modification of the scripts of the plays. Traditionally, a first copy of the script is printed for the first rehearsal. Then potential changes are made manually along time until reaching a point where you must reprint again due to the large number of changes written on the original copy... It seems nothing but it can actually generates a series of issues:

Confusion in the edition
Confusion in the dialogues
Disorder in the synchronization of the dialogues
Waste of time
Waste of paper
Given this type of circumstances, actors and companies have tried to adapt technological tools that allow them to make changes in a synchronized way and avoid confusion and wasting resources, such as: Google Docs, Doodle, Facebook groups, Whatsapp…

However, all these tools have limits due to a single cause: they were not created specifically for the theater. They neither understand nor integrate the specific necessities of the theatrical world and users.

That is why Dramarts was born. At the beginning it was mainly thought as an application that allows editing and synchronizing the scripts of theater plays, facilitating the update and test of constant script changes that occur daily. Then, the app has been developed to meet other challenges and necessities inherent to the theatrical world.

Dramarts main functionalities:

Facilitate internal and external communication through the creation of network / community of users:

-Allows sharing information, photos, videos
-Allows the companies, venues and actors to communicate with the public about their activities and news.
-Connection with Facebook and Instagram, to support the promotion and dissemination of the work, the company and the actors.
-Facilitate and centralize the organization of the work, especially the logistics and the coordination of companies, for the development of their projects. It is an advanced tool for the director, the assistant and all the actors participating to the life of the companies and plays.

Allow to coordinate the life of the company and the planning of tasks:

-Plan the rehearsals scenes by scenes taking into account the availability of the corresponding actors.
-Centralize the contacts of the actors and companies.
-Organize the attribution of roles, wardrobe management, interpretation debates.
Follow the test evolution of each scene to optimize the test program.
-Allow the edition of the scripts and the instantaneous transmission of cuts or text changes by the director and the actors.
-Manage auxiliary functions such as delays and production hazards as well as logistics, costumes and accessories issues.
-Provide a centralized organizing tool of the company.

Facilitate the reading of texts thanks to a new generation reader integrated to the App.

-Optimize the reading of theater scripts on mobile support, smartphone or tablet.
-Write the text changes directly on your mobile through the application.
-Insert photos, videos, audios and other files quickly and easily through the application.
-Share notes between the actors and the directing team (director + assistant).
-Access to a modern intuitive tool, easy to use and more ecological (saving paper).